Dental CE Requirements for Michigan Dental Professionals
Here's a detailed breakdown of Michigan's dental CE requirements:
- Renewal Cycle: Triennial (every 3 years)
- Required Hours: 60 hours
- CPR Certification: Required, continuous maintenance
- Minimum Classroom Hours: 20 hours (excludes online/webinars)
Specific Required Topics:
- 3 hours in Pain Management
- 1 hour in Dental Ethics & Jurisprudence (includes delegation)
- New: 1 hour in Implicit Bias Training
Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants (RDHs/RDAs):
- Renewal Cycle: Triennial (every 3 years)
- Required Hours: 36 hours (RDHs/RDAs)
- CPR Certification: Required, continuous maintenance
- Minimum Classroom Hours: 12 hours (excludes online/webinars)
Specific Required Topics:
- 2 hours in Pain Management (RDHs only)
- New: 1 hour in Implicit Bias Training
Additional Points:
- All CE courses must be approved by ADA, AGD, accredited dental school, or Michigan Board of Dentistry.
- Up to 30 hours of online/webinar courses are allowed.
- Board website and CE Broker platform provide detailed information and resources.
Unique Details about Michigan's Dental CE Requirements:
Here's some unique information:
- Pain Management: 3 mandatory hours, exceeding the national standard.
- Implicit Bias Training: New requirement, reflecting Michigan's focus on inclusivity.
- DEA MATE ACT Training: Additional requirement for controlled substance prescribing.
- Elective Hours: Flexibility to personalize learning with diverse topic options.
- Ethics & Jurisprudence: Includes delegation, promoting collaboration.
Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistants:
- Implicit Bias Training: Applicable to all licensed dental professionals.
- Opioid Management: Not mandatory, but Board-approved courses available.
- CPR Certification: BLS only, stricter than some states.
- Minimum Classroom Hours: Ensures hands-on learning and interactive engagement.
- Reading Articles: Up to 10 hours allowed, offering learning flexibility.
Additional Notes:
- CE Broker platform streamlines reporting and tracking for ease of compliance.
- Board-approved providers ensure quality and relevance of chosen courses.
- Specific requirements for dentists with anesthesia permits.
- Opioid exemption exists for non-prescribing dentists.
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